Would you like your kids or grand-kids to learn about ZooShare in the classroom? Now’s your chance!
We have co-created a workshop with TREC Education that teaches students about the science of biogas and the value of organic waste…It’s called “Digest This!”. We would love if you could spread the word and tell the teachers in your life about it. Scroll down for details.
Click here to see or print the “Digest This!” brochure.
Above: TREC Education’s Program Coordinator Abasi Sanders teaches children in Grade 2 about biogas.
In the workshop, students use common household materials to create “a stomach” to learn how our bodies are like biogas digesters. They learn how organic waste is a form of renewable energy, and how biogas technology can reduce our impact on the environment.
Above: This experiment, using household ingredients, teaches children about the breakdown of waste and the concept of collecting greenhouse gases.
The workshop was developed for the Grade 7 curriculum, but can be adapted for all grades.
“We received an email from the spouse of a ZooShare member whose child was in Grade 2,” says Kelly Park, Events and Communications Manager for TREC Education. “She was excited to teach her child about ZooShare, so we adapted the workshop for a younger audience,” she says, “And they’re smarter than you think!”
One of the great things about TREC Education is that their workshops are affordable for teachers — as a charity, TREC Education receives grants, sponsorships and donations to help offer workshops at affordable rates. The first “Digest This!” workshop is only $175 and additional workshops are $135. If you’re feeling generous, you can even sponsor a workshop.
Click here to download the “Digest This!” flyer and pass it along to the teachers in your life, or email Kelly to ask how you can get the “Digest This!” workshop in your child’s classroom.
Above: Students learn about the different types of biogas plants around the world.