
Member Update: September 2013

As the beautiful (short) summer comes to a close, we would like to give a friendly reminder that if you join ZooShare before September 1, your $100 membership fee can be applied to the first bond you purchase. This great savings will enable you to have full lifetime membership in the ZooShare, equipped with a seat and voting privileges at the ZooShare Annual General Meeting, where your voice can be heard.

Take advantage of this excellent offer by following the link to the right for maximum earnings on your ZooShare bond – putting more poo in your pocket!!

Member & Friends of ZooShare We need your lovely faces and poopy puns!

We are asking our members and supporters to please send us fun and friendly photos of yourselves for our new website.

We are also excited to share the news that we’re working on a little pocket book the funniest poo jokes and puns around. If you have any good ones, please don’t be shy!

Let your creativity shine, if you’d like to be featured in the member section of the new site, or become a pooblished author, please send your photos & jokes to

New Faces to ZooShare

ZooShare recently welcomed Mark Fernandez as our new Sales & Marketing Coordinator. Mark has an extensive history in grassroots advocacy for renewable energy and sustainability in Toronto. He also helped establish pvXchange, a solar procurement company, in North America, represented the company in Canada and travelled extensively through Germany and the United States. Mark is proud to have helped procure and install over 1,000 kilowatts of renewable energy in Ontario and is very excited to be back working in the community power sector and promoting ZooShare locally!

We are also pleased and very excited to announce the appointments of two new ZooShare Board Members, Paul Ungerman and Jon Bahen.

Paul is the Manager of Government Affairs at Union Gas Limited, Canada’s second largest natural gas storage, transmission and distribution utility serving 1.4 million Ontario residential, commercial and industrial customers. Prior to joining Union Gas, Paul worked in the Ontario Government, serving as chief of staff to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, director of policy to the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure; and as a senior advisor to the Minister of Health Promotion. Paul received an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario (Huron College) and attained a Master of Arts degree in International Relations from McMaster University.

Jon, who has taken on the role of Treasurer on the Board, is currently a Senior Construction Manager at Recurrent Energy. Jon has been engaged in renewable projects for the last 6 years on the international stage, building wind projects for Vestas in Europe, South America and Africa. He has played the role of the EPC contractor and more recently the developer.. He has a keen understanding of the requirements to build power plants and connect them to the provincial grid. He has a B.Eng in Aerospace Engineering and a MASc in Mechanical Engineering from Ryerson University.

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