
Member Update: September 2011

ZooShare in the Media

ZooShare has been lucky to receive a lot of positive media coverage over the last few weeks. Here’s some:
Tyler Hamilton on Green Community Bonds
ZooShare’s Executive Daniel Bida on CBC As it Happens (starts at 13:11)
Toronto Star on the ‘Power of Poop’
Globe & Mail ‘Powering homes with poo from the Toronto Zoo’

Thank you Founders’ Club

I would like to extend a special thanks to our Founders’ Club members for becoming one of the earliest supporters of community-owned biogas at the Toronto Zoo. The investments made by our Founders will help ZooShare achieve its goals and complete the development phase of the project – their support means a lot. Be sure to congratulate these individuals when you meet them, for making an investment with pootential. Or if you’d prefer to be the one getting congratulated, send me an email – I’d be happy to tell you more.

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