Well–after a bitter cold snap it seems like winter is coming to an end…Just like our bond sales! We have now raised over 1.8 MILLION and we expect to close the offering by March 31st. Here’s our most recent news:
Project Updates
– ZooShare now has 370 members and has raised $1.86 in Community Bonds!
– We are expecting to receive our Connection Impact Assessment from Toronto Hydro soon
– We hope to receive our Renewable Energy Approval from the Ministry of the Environment by May 25th
– We presented at the Toronto Zoo Board meeting in February regarding amending project milestone dates
– We applied for a $20,000 grant from the Co-operators through their CDP grant program.
– 2 Seneca College Non-profit Leadership students are expected to finish a ZooShare feasibility study in April
– We Continue to explore different technologies and methods for processing digestate into higher value products
– We made presentations to Monitor Deloitte, the SouthBrook Retirement Community, & Amica Balmoral Club
(If you know of other community groups who would appreciate learning more about ZooShare, email Frances.)
Did you get a T5?
All ZooShare members should have received their T5s. If you haven’t, please email Frances. (Unless you specified that you wanted your T5 mailed, you should have received an email from “trecservices” entitled “ZooShare 2014 Tax Information”. Please check your junk/spam folder before emailing us.)
Bullfrog Power
Bullfrog Power is Canada’s leading green energy provider, one of our initial Founders Club investors, our official Education Sponsor and recently invested an additional $125,000! Daniel said: “We are extremely pleased that Bullfrog Power continues to support our vision. Bullfrog Power’s leadership in the community power sector has been invaluable in getting our project and programs off the ground and we are grateful for this additional investment, which comes at a pivotal point in our fund raising process.” Read more here.
Toronto Hydro
ZooShare is pleased to announce that Toronto Hydro has come on board as our 1st Community Partner! Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages, together we will be spreading the word about ZooShare and Toronto Hydro’s conservation programs and how they can benefit you. For now, check out this awesome Energy Conservation Handbook.