We hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of spring and the great weather it has brought us. This is the perfect time of year to start putting away your winter stuff, start your gardens and visit the Toronto Zoo.
FIT Contract
The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) has recently concluded their review of the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program. The OPA has decided to keep biogas rates essentially the same going forward – providing much needed clarity for the future of the ZooShare project. The underlying price paid for biogas power has not changed, but the bonus we get for being a Community Power project increased from 0.4 ¢/kWh to 1¢/kWh, and the annual price adjustment was increased to 50% of the inflation rate, from 20%. Both of these will have a positive, but minor, impact on ZooShare’s projected bottom line. In addition, the rules were changed around when FIT applications are reviewed – previously all applications were time-stamped and read in order, now they are scored on a few criteria and the highest scoring applications are read first. This new system places a greater emphasis on Community and Aboriginal power projects, meaning that ZooShare’s FIT application is likely to be reviewed sooner than before. Now that the review is out of the way we are expecting to get our contract offer this summer! The full FIT review report can be found here.