Founders’ Club

Made up of truly pioneering members, the below individuals invested in ZooShare when it was just an idea with a lot of pootential.

We are deeply thankful for their foresight and shared belief in community-owned biogas.

Adam Whidden
Bullfrog Power
Don and Heather Ross
Douglas Pritchard
Garry Innanen
Ian Rice
Jeff and Rita Rayman
Jon Bahen
Judy Marshall
Judy Snider
Karen Schucher
Kathryn Harper
Lee Adamson
Lisa Cahill
Marisa Sterling
Mark Gatto
Morgan McDonald
Nelson Lai
Nuala Doherty
Paul Ungerman
Roberto Garcia
Rochelle Rubinstein
Steve Tower
Steven May
Subhash and Hemanti Mehta
Thomas Haubenreisser
Tifrah Warner